Child Development In The First 2 Years

During the initial months and years of life, babies grow at an incredible rate due to rapid production of body cells which enables them to increase in weight and height. Within the initial two years from birth, in most case, babies quadruple their weight of birth attaining weight which is almost equal to half of their adult weight.

It is therefore very vital for their mothers or caregivers to take the babies on regular bases to the pediatrician for clinical checkups or better-infant checkups; which involves measure of weight, during this period to ensure they are growing at the right rate. Within the first year, the body of the baby keeps increasing the level of fat deposits. The fat deposit enables the baby to maintain constant body temperature. Whoever, these fat deposits begins to disappear as the baby increases in body size and begins to develop body muscles.

Child’s Internal Growth

During the initial two years of life, the bodily proportions of a growing baby as well changes. In fact, when a child is born, their head bears most of their body weight. The weight of the other body parts develop as the baby grows order. The same ways as the baby motor skills develop from the interior parts outwards as well as from the head to the feet of the baby; the child grows and attains weight in same order. Initially, babies developed in their trunk and chest and eventually their legs and arms.

During the first year of life, the skeletons and bones of the baby are hardened. The bones of the new born babies are more like cartilage. This enables the child to be flexible enough to suit in the womb of their mothers, as well as go through the birth canal. However, with time, their bones harden to be able to support the baby’s weight during crawling and walking activities. The skulls of Babies have “soft spots” during the first year of life. However, by the age of two years, the soft spots disappear as the head of the babies hardens up.

Child’s Physical Growth

The babies grow at an approximate of two to three inches and three pound during the initial three months. The increase by another two to three inches and an average of four pounds for the next three months period consecutively until they reach the age of nine months. The rate of growth begins to fall from the tenth month until it achieves a constant rate of one inch and two pounds after every three months in the second year.
